Maryland Dove will be sailing to different ports of call around the Chesapeake Bay in 2023, thanks to a grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority**. Matching funds provided by Historic St. Mary’s City Foundation.
Maryland Dove will be open to the public for free deck tours during hours of operation
The tall ship will be in Cambridge on September 7, 8, & 9 open from 10 a.m.—5 p.m.
Docking will be at Long Wharf, 2 Yacht Club Drive, Cambridge, Maryland.
Maryland Dove will also be visiting Crisfield.
The Historic St. Mary’s City waterfront area will be closed while Maryland Dove is away.
**This Project has been financed in part with State funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, an instrumentality of the State of Maryland. However, Project contents or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.