Maryland Dove will be away from port on the following dates: Friday, October 4th—Sunday, October 6th.

She is sailing to St. Clement’s Island to participate in the annual Blessing of the Fleet.

Maryland Dove will be back on exhibit at Historic St. Mary’s City on Tuesday, October 8th.

Ark and Dove Scholarship

The Historic St. Mary’s City Museum in collaboration with the Society of the Ark and the Dove announces the Ark and Dove Scholar in Residence research fellowship. The award is open to graduate students working on a thesis or dissertation, or post-doctoral scholars working towards publication of research. Research topics are to focus upon early Maryland archaeology, history, or a related subject. Seventeenth-century topics concerning European, American Indian, or African peoples are particularly desired. The selected scholar will receive housing for up to five months, office space in the new archaeological laboratory, parking, access to the extensive museum research files and six million specimen archaeological collections, assistance from the research staff, and a stipend of $5,000.


Historic St. Mary’s City has led historical and archaeological research into early Maryland at the site of the first colonial capital for over half a century. Available databases include land records, thousands of transcribed probate inventories from the early colony, biographical files and other datasets created by Dr. Lois Green Carr over her long career at the museum. Collections from dozens of archaeological sites spanning several millennia at St. Mary’s City have also been acquired, which include one of the largest seventeenth-century artifact assemblages in North America. In 2016 the museum’s Department of Research and Collections occupied a new, custom-designed archaeological laboratory and curation facility, where office space for the Ark and Dove Scholar is provided.


Applications must include 1) a full resume, 2) a short proposal (less than 10 pages) about the anticipated goals and research, and 3) two letters of recommendation. The proposal should include a discussion of the museum resources to be used and a general timeline for anticipated completion of the research. All applicants are encouraged to contact the museum research staff prior to the submission of their applications to discuss their research proposal and to refine their project. At the completion of their research, the Ark and Dove Scholar will provide a copy of the final manuscript to the museum and copies of resulting publications to the museum and Society. A public presentation of the results will be given to a museum audience and to the Society of the Ark and the Dove at one of their bi-annual meetings.


Applications are typically due in early summer for work beginning the following fall. The fellowship will be awarded review of applications. Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Henry Miller, Maryland Heritage Scholar at, and/or Dr. Travis Parno, Director of Research and Collections at to discuss their proposals prior to applying.

Valerie M. J. Hall Fellowship Awardee 2019
Valerie M. J. Hall
Doctoral Candidate-University of Maryland, College Park
Masur Fellowship Awardee 2018
Laura E. Masur
Assistant Professor-Catholic University
TomakFellowship Awardee 2017
Benjamin C. Tomak
Doctoral Candidate-University of Delaware