Interview – “On the Record” WYPR
Sheilah Kast, host of “On the Record” speaks with HSMC Director of Research and Collections Travis Parno about a recent discovery: the unearthed remains of one of Maryland’s first colonists, a teenager. Listen here
Sheilah Kast, host of “On the Record” speaks with HSMC Director of Research and Collections Travis Parno about a recent discovery: the unearthed remains of one of Maryland’s first colonists, a teenager. Listen here
WJZ – TV NEWS Baltimore I June 21, 2023 “Where’s Marty? Learning about the historic Maryland Dove Tall Ship docked in Fells Point” Marty Bass from WJZ-TV news Baltimore joins the Maryland Dove crew during their Bay Tour.
“Being able to hear the ship and the windlass, and the lines move, and the wind move through the sails, to smell the different types of wood and varnishes that are used in constructing a vessel like this. It just …
WMAR NEWS2-Baltimore (video) Maryland Dove docked in Fells Point Read more »
“We want it to be historically correct and not cut corners,” [Henry] Miller said. “We’ve tried to do it with as much scholarly integrity and evidence-based as possible because it was meant to be a solid, reputable recreation of a …
Article – Southern Maryland News: “Restoration of Jesuit chapel nearing completion” Read more »
The Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) Department of Research and Collections has uncovered the human remains of a young European man, believed to have been buried in the late 1630s. The remains were found approximately 30 feet outside of what …
Nearly 400 year-old remains of teen found at St. Mary’s Fort site Read more »
He was dumped in his grave with little ceremony. He had no coffin, no burial shroud and probably no family to mourn him. He had a broken right leg, and perhaps damaged ribs. His right arm was pulled awkwardly across …
Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) is proud to announce Maryland Dove will be sailing to different ports of call around the Chesapeake Bay in 2023, thanks to a grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority and matching funds from Historic …
Historic St. Mary’s City held its annual Maryland Day celebration on the museum grounds on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Over 200 guests were in attendance for the ceremony hosted by the Historic St. Mary’s City Commission. Rear Admiral Tim Heely, …
“Viewers will join historians and craftspeople in unraveling the mystery of what the 17th century ship might have looked like, discovering clues in passenger diaries, period artwork, and sunken ships. The audience will visit the shipyard at the Chesapeake Bay …
Maryland Public Television – MPT Documentary Discovering the Dove premieres April 18 Read more »